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Saving the Best for Last

Writer's picture: Barry L. TaylorBarry L. Taylor

Read John 2.1-12

Today’s reading finds Jesus and His disciples at a wedding. The story begins with Jesus’ mother Mary informing Him that the wedding party had no more wine. No explanation for this is offered. Had someone failed to adequately prepare? Had more guests arrived than anticipated? Were finances an issue, or had a major event overtaxed the area’s wine supplies?

Whatever the reason for the embarrassing circumstance, Mary seems to expect Jesus’ help with the situation. Since it appears that Jesus had not performed miracles before this time, it seems strange that Mary was looking for one. She probably had come to simply trust her son’s judgment and resourcefulness in times such as this.

While Jesus seems to be less than comfortable with His mother’s request, He nevertheless moves into action. He instructs the caterers to fill six large ceremonial cleansing jars with water (each holding 20 to 30 gallons). The catering team may have wondered why they were taking unnecessary and unrelated steps at the direction of this wedding guest, especially given the press of time. In reality, they had no other options. It turns out that they have nothing to fear: Jesus not only turns the water into wine, but He also turns it into the finest wine imaginable!

Jesus does more than simply save the day (and perhaps the marriage!). The author of John’s Gospel refers to Jesus’ miracles as “signs,” pointing beyond themselves to a greater truth, and this is the first of Jesus’ “signs.” We get a glimpse of the greater truth of this sign in verses 9-10 of our reading:

“The master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, ‘Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.’”

Sometimes we may struggle with whether Jesus has our best saved up for last. Sometimes the “high points” of our journey with Jesus can be suddenly followed by unexpected “low points,” causing us to wonder about the trajectory of our course of discipleship. However, John knows that, just as Jesus saved the best wine for last at the Cana wedding, Jesus will save the best for last for John and all of His followers. We should save the date for the great marriage supper of the Lamb foretold in John’s last book Revelation, “when Christ comes in final victory and we feast at His heavenly banquet” (in the words of many rituals for the Lord’s Supper).

Verse 11 in our reading states that “this was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.” John shows us that he intends to carefully choose the miracles he includes in his Gospel. He’s not attempting to “put on a show,” but rather to show us who Jesus is so that we might believe and have life in Him…just as His first disciples did.


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