Read John 1.19-51
In “The Gospel of John: When Love Comes to Town,” Dr. Paul Louis Metzger describes the difference between a “Christian celebrity” and a Christian saint: “The celebrity leverages the gospel for her or his own benefit. The saint asks God to leverage his or her own life and “fame” for the Gospel and for people. The celebrity wants to be famous. The saint wants to be influential so that others might meet Jesus. The celebrity will sacrifice others for his or her own ascension. The saint will sacrifice herself or himself for the benefit of Jesus’ elevation and others’ union with Him – preparing the way for the Lord in their barren wilderness, especially among the least of these on the streets of Portland, Oregon; West Jackson, Mississippi; and Jerusalem in Judea.”
John the Baptist is clearly a saint in our reading this morning: He knows that Jesus is greater, for he states that Jesus is before him. John also knows that Jesus is greater because the Spirit descends on Jesus, indicating that Jesus will baptize with the Spirit. Finally, John knows that Jesus is greater because Jesus alone takes away the sin of the world. When he saw Jesus passing by, John said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” Because of John’s witness, two of his own disciples left him to follow Jesus; one was Andrew, who in turn brings his brother Simon (Peter) to Jesus. The day after John’s declaration about Jesus (and probably related to it in some way), Jesus calls Philip to follow Him, and Philip brings Nathanael to Jesus.
John understands that he is not Number 1: Jesus holds sole claim to that number. John knows that he is Number 2, and that Jesus far exceeds him in value and importance. This is precisely why John the Baptist in so important to the Kingdom of God.
Again from Dr. Metzger, “Those who prepare the way are exceedingly rare. Unfortunately, what’s not so rare today is the cult of celebrity inside and outside the church. We don’t need any more dime-a-dozen celebrities. What we do need are saints who bow low to Jesus and prepare His way like John did.”
Will we also prepare the way?