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Writer's pictureBarry L. Taylor

Give me patience...NOW!

I’m sure you’ve heard the old story of the impatient person who sought God’s help while waiting for an important event to happen. Bowing his head, he prayed, “Lord, please give me patience… and GIVE IT TO ME NOW!”

It has been said that patience is a virtue. If so, then it should be at the top of any listing of “endangered virtues” in our culture. We are the “instant access” generation, constantly demanding immediate access to food, services, transportation, communication, etc. We see nothing positive in waiting for something to happen; waiting simply drives us to frustration…or to taking matters into our own hands.

Of course, this problem is hardly a new one. In Genesis 16, Abram and Sarai are advanced in years and have grown weary of waiting for a child, even though God has promised that Sarai would give birth to one. God pledged that this child would be one through whom a great nation would ultimately arise, but Sarai’s patience was wearing thin. She decided to take matters into her own hands by giving Abram her maidservant Hagar, who could bear him a child as a surrogate. In the course of six short verses of Scripture, the plan falls apart and chaos ensues. Abram and Sarai experience problems between each other and within their extended household, all because of an inability to be patient. All of the difficulties could have been avoided if they had patiently trusted in God’s promise, for by chapter 21 of Genesis Sarai (renamed Sarah), at over 90 years of age, was celebrating the birth of her own son Isaac.

Are you waiting for something to happen in your life? Are you struggling with trusting God to bring something to fruition in your circumstances? Don’t take matters into your own hands in an ill-conceived attempt to force God’s hand. Romans 8.28 promises that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Trust God, and cooperate with His plan for your life by imitating the example of Christ in ALL ways. Pray that God opens and closes doors in His way and in His time, and pray that He grants you wisdom to perceive His will and work. As you begin to see and understand His work, you’ll find patience…immediately!

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