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Writer's pictureBarry L. Taylor

Every Day

Read: Matthew 7

DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: The "Sermon on the Mount" concludes in chapter 7 with Jesus' words on everyday life in the Kingdom of God. Verses 1-6 instruct us on how to relate to others; verses 7-12 tell us how to relate to God; verses 13-23 give us warnings we need to keep in mind; and verses 24-29 summarize the chapter (and, in many ways, the entire sermon as found in chapters 5-7). Many scholars debate the exact meaning of verse 6, in which Jesus says, "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Some think it is a call to share the Gospel with those who seem receptive to it and to avoid wasting energy on those who will not listen or who simply want to tear down the Kingdom (or the individuals sharing the Good News of the Kingdom!). Others note that the Jewish people often called Gentiles (non-Jews from the larger world) "dogs" and/or "pigs" and think that Jesus was emphasizing reaching His fellow Jews first and foremost during His earthly ministry, waiting to unleash the Gospel to the entire world until He gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28.1-20) following His death and resurrection. In either case, it's a good reminder to us to begin sharing our faith 1) with the people that God has placed around us and 2) with those who seem receptive to hearing our faith story. As followers of Christ and ambassadors of the Gospel, we need to train ourselves to look for fewer battles and instead look for more opportunities (or "open doors/gates"). After all, Jesus reminds us that "small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (verse 14). As Scot McKnight states, "discipleship begins at the personal level of a relationship to Jesus as the King and Lord who saves and rules." It's little wonder that Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount by comparing those who hear His words AND put them into practice with wise builders who establish strong foundations for their houses.

Note the last item that Matthew mentions in this chapter: "...the crowds were amazed at (Jesus') teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law." This is another important aspect to Matthew's portrait of Christ: He is the Authoritative Teacher...on ALL subjects!

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