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Born From Above

Writer's picture: Barry L. TaylorBarry L. Taylor

Reading: John 3.1-21

Today’s reading is the preeminent Biblical text on the necessity of a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

All we know about Nicodemus is what John’s Gospel tells us. This prominent religious leader and member of the Jewish ruling council held a conversation with Jesus at night, apparently in response to Jesus' ministry in Jerusalem that was described in yesterday’s reading. Nicodemus met with Jesus at night; the rabbis (religious teachers) sometimes conducted their discussions until late in the evening, so perhaps Nicodemus could not meet Jesus during the day…or perhaps he wanted to keep his meeting a secret. Nevertheless, Nicodemus opened the conversation by acknowledging Jesus' miraculous works and God was obviously with Him.

In response, Jesus stated that the mission and goal of Jewish religion, the Kingdom of God, could not be entered without rebirth. The Greek words behind this has two possible meanings: either “born again” or “born from above.” From what follows, it is clear that, while Jesus was thinking of spiritual birth, Nicodemus understood Him to be speaking of a simple physical rebirth…and he was understandably confused! Jesus patiently explained and expanded the concept in His answer to Nicodemus’ questions.

What does it mean to be “born from above?” Jesus makes it clear that this birth belongs in a category completely different than physical or human birth. This birth does not have its origin in this world, and it cannot be brought about by any human means. In his commentary on this passage, Dr. Joseph Dongell writes:

“Any hope of salvation (seeing or entering the God’s Kingdom) rests entirely upon God’s actions from outside the human realm through the Spirit to transform human beings. All other options, however religious or meaningful to their adherents, fall short of the target. The ultimate question asks not about human experiences, morality or beliefs, but inquires whether God has acted to transform. Genuine experiences, morality and beliefs flow from that…everyone born of the Spirit still lives within the earthly realm, though his or her origin and ultimate destiny seem ‘mysterious’ to those who have not been born of the Spirit. The spiritual realm intersects with the natural realm, though the two remain distinct.”

What is the “bottom line?” Being “born from above” means death to self. It means throwing ourselves completely on Jesus in faith, just as the people of Israel in their Old Testament journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land threw themselves on God’s mercy when bitten by poisonous snakes; only by looking to the bronze serpent hanging on the pole that Moses made at God’s direction would they be saved. For us, it is looking to Jesus in faith that saves us, who gives us new life by His death…by being lifted up on the cross of wood for all to see. We die with Jesus in order to be reborn…this is the essence of a “personal relationship” with Him.

How can such a sacrifice by Jesus be understood? Here is where the true meaning and majesty of John 3.16, perhaps the most famous verse in the New Testament, shines forth:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


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