With other Christians throughout the ages, we proclaim traditional Christian beliefs that are rooted in Scripture and expressed by the Apostles' Creed and other early Church affirmations. Specifically, you will find our ministry is based on the following core beliefs:
The sole basis of our belief is the Bible, God’s word of grace. We believe all Scripture is uniquely God-inspired and is our sufficient and final authority on all matters of faith and practice. Proverbs 30.5-6; Matthew 4.4; II Timothy 3.16-17.
We believe that there is one true God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created the universe and all things in it, manifesting the glory of His power, wisdom, holiness, and love. God is the Author of life and the Source of all grace, and He is working throughout history to fulfill His plan for creation. Genesis 1.1; Psalm 139.7-10; Matthew 28.19; II Corinthians 13.14.
We believe that human beings were created in the image of God and were designed to love and serve Him. By sinfully rebelling against God’s will and going their own way, fellowship with God was broken and the image of God was marred in them. As a result, human effort cannot achieve or earn a right relationship with God; God’s saving grace is necessary. Genesis 1.26; Romans 1.18-23; Romans 3.23; Ephesians 2.8-9.
Through prevenient grace, God initiates reconciliation with humanity and convicts individuals of sin, enabling a response to His outreaching love by accepting His offer of salvation by faith. I John 4.19; John 16.5-11; John 3.16; Romans 5.8.
Through justifying grace, God forgives and regenerates all who trust in Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Word and virgin-born Son, who perfectly reveals God the Father to us. He lived a sinless life and died on a cross for the sins of all, taking on Himself the punishment for sin. He rose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He intercedes for us. Believers in Christ are adopted as children of God and begin to live a holy life through faith in Christ. John 1.14; Colossians 1.15-20; Philippians 2.5-11; I Corinthians 15.3-8; Isaiah 53.1-6, 12.
Through sanctifying grace, the Holy Spirit brings spiritual growth in the believer’s life and makes possible wholehearted love for God and for others. The inward witness of God’s Spirit with their spirits, along with the gracious promises of God’s Word and the fruit of the Spirit in their lives, assures believers that they are children of God. The Holy Spirit equips believers with gifts for ministry in the Church and witness in the world. II Thessalonians 2.13; Romans 8.15-16; Ephesians 4.11-16.
The Church is God’s community of grace, composed of all who trust in Jesus Christ as Son, Savior, and Lord. As Christ’s body, the church is visible in the world wherever believers, in faithful obedience and unity, hear the Word, receive the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and live as Christian disciples. The Church exists to glorify God, to make disciples of Jesus Christ, and to offer transformational service to the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 16.18; Acts 2.46-47; I Corinthians 12.12-13; Ephesians 1.22-23.
Grace will ultimately triumph in the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of all persons, the final judgment, and God’s glorious victory over sin and all evil. For followers of Christ, a new heaven and a new earth, with eternal unbroken fellowship with God, is the great promise of grace! I Corinthians 15.24-28; II Thessalonians 1.5-10; Revelation 21.1-4.
Scripture. The Bible is our final authority for faith and practice. We believe Biblical teaching with life application is the primary catalyst for the development of disciples of Jesus Christ. We are committed to the clear and accurate communication of Scripture in a way that ministers God’s grace and invites people to full devotion to Christ. II Timothy 3.16-17.
Community. Local churches should offer a grace-filled relational environment in which all people feel welcome and in which they feel safe to explore the Christian faith. We believe that healthy relationships should permeate every aspect of congregational life. We are committed to small group ministry as the most effective means for believers to give and receive care, develop relationships, grow in faith, and be equipped to share and serve Christ. We advocate unity through openness, authenticity, mutual respect, and love for one another. Ephesians 4.1-6.
Maturity. Full devotion to Jesus Christ the goal and standard for every believer. We believe that the Church is a spiritual family in which all members are continuously nurtured toward conformity to the character of Christ. We urge the regular provision of the means of grace through which people grow into Christian disciples who in turn help others grow into disciples. Ephesians 4.14-16.
Ministry. Ministry must be the motive for everything we do. We believe all Christians have God-given gifts for ministry, and we encourage the discovery and exercise of these gifts in order to fulfill the Church’s calling to be the Body of Christ in our world. We affirm the benefit of a simple functional structure for church leadership that emphasizes teamwork and empowers every individual and family to fully participate in our mission. I Peter 4.10-11.
Creativity. Effectiveness in ministry must be the measure by which we evaluate everything we do. We believe that excellence in ministry honors God, and we are open to creativity and innovation in pursuit of it. We are committed to inspirational forms of worship and service that are culturally relevant and that best express what God is doing in our community and world in our time. Luke 5.36-39.
Service. Service is the primary means by which communities are reached. We believe that God calls the Church to meet human need, and we believe that authentic evangelism happens best in the context of serving as Christ served. We are committed to ministries of servant outreach and global witness. Galatians 5.13-14.
Prayer. Prayer is the lifeline of the Church. We believe that God calls all believers to pray for one another, and that God expects the Church to prayerfully rely on the resources of the Holy Spirit in response to His call to mission and ministry. Through prayer, we develop a passionate love for God and for others that leads us to answer the call to make disciple-makers who make a difference in this world for Jesus Christ. Mark 12.28-31, I Thessalonians 5.16-18.